TASJA is proud to announce our continued support as the underwriter for the "Plays in the Park," a beloved tradition produced by the Round About Players, a group formed by Tom Scott and Beverly Blake.

Now in its 4th year, these 15-minute melodramas, skillfully crafted by Gary McCarver, have captured the hearts of audiences. Gary is well known to San Juan theater-goers for his suspenseful melodramas. The upcoming production, "Calamity at the Crossroads," promises to be an unforgettable experience, with performances scheduled on July 10, July 27, Aug 3, and Aug 10, the latter date coinciding with the Butterfly Festival.

Join us in celebrating the magic of live theatre in Los Rios Park

TASJA is pleased to announce the fourth annual production of "Plays in the Park" by the Round About Players. Gary McCarver, the eminent scriptwriter will again write a melodrama celebrating "Calamity at the Crossroads", a past and memorable event that occurred in San Juan in days of yore. The plays will be performed in Los Rios Park on four Saturdays in July including the Butterfly Festival. The Round About Players is a non-profit formed by Tom Scott, Beverly Blake, and Gary McCarver to bring entertainment to the Public Square in San Juan Capistrano. The Plays are family-friendly and free to the public. Be sure to take a stroll down Los Rios and watch the plays at 2:00 or 3:00 PM

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